Running Tech

Timeframe: January 2024 - March 2024

My Role: Product Researcher/Product Designer

Team: 2 Product Designers/Researchers & Myself

Methods: Empathize & Frame, Ideate, Prototype & Test, Design Video, Reflection

Tools: Google Docs, Excel, Figma, FigJam, Sketches


Team Baroque collaborated to identify a prevalent issue in the running community through empathetic research. Our investigation revealed a common struggle among users, including ourselves, in maintaining consistent motivation for running. Consequently, we formulated the following problem statement: "How might we develop a comprehensive solution to address the motivational challenges encountered by individuals aspiring to start running?" Subsequently, we collectively brainstormed potential solutions, leading to the selection of three promising designs for further exploration: a runner social media app, a runner podcast, and a runner how-to app. This report showcases our group's process in selecting the design that effectively mitigates the primary pain point identified.

Identifying The Problem

How might we develop a comprehensive solution that addresses the motivational challenges faced by competitive runners, casual runners, and individuals aspiring to start running?

Empathize & Frame

Our team explored the world of running, engaging with competitive, leisure, and fitness runners to understand their motivations, goals, and challenges. Through interviews and firsthand experiences, we discovered the profound impact of running on individuals' lives. Competitive runners saw running as a lifestyle, leisure runners sought solace amid busy schedules, and fitness runners integrated it into their routines. Empathy-building activities reinforced the universal desire for connection and well-being through running. This led us to our problem statement: How might we develop a comprehensive solution that addresses the motivational challenges faced by competitive runners, casual runners, and individuals aspiring to start running? Armed with insights, our team was ready to explore innovative solutions to enhance the running experience for all.

View Empathize & Frame Report


5 x 5

Our group utilized the 5x5 ideation method, a structured brainstorming approach, to generate a list of potential solutions. Each team member generated approximately eight ideas within a set time frame, resulting in a diverse pool of concepts. Once the ideas were generated, we created sketches, discussed them and elaborated on each idea. 

View 5x5 Design Ideas

Prototype & Test

During this stage, our team followed a structured process to mock up three design ideas that were created during the ideation phase. The team collectively selected three ideas to pursue, ensuring they were substantially different to foster innovation. Each member contributed to prototyping each idea, employing low-fidelity methods such as descriptions, feature lists, and use case vignettes. Discussions ensued to refine each approach, culminating in the creation of slightly higher fidelity prototypes for each idea. Evaluations were conducted internally to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the prototypes, followed by soliciting feedback from at least one external source for each prototype. This feedback, gathered through user testing, helped identify what aspects worked and what needed improvement, facilitating reflection and iteration. This iterative process ensured that the final prototypes were grounded in user needs and effectively addressed the identified problem from the Empathize & Frame stage.

Final Thoughts

Our Design Story