Web Design

Timeframe: 2 Weeks (May 2024)

My Role: UX/UI Designer

Team: UX Researcher & UX Designer

Product Description

The Marvel Zoo website is an advanced digital platform developed to enhance the visitor experience through comprehensive planning and interactive features. Geared towards an audience of ages 13 and above, the site offers detailed information on Marvel-themed exhibits, attractions, and events. Users can efficiently purchase tickets, review peak visiting times, and select from a variety of pass options. The design ensures a seamless and engaging user journey, immersing visitors in the Marvel Universe with professional ease and sophistication.


he Marvel Zoo website welcomes visitors with an introduction and intuitive navigation menu, guiding them seamlessly through its various sections. Detailed descriptions of Marvel-themed exhibits, events, and attractions, coupled with drop-down menus for easy browsing, offer visitors comprehensive insights into the zoo's offerings. The inclusion of multimedia elements such as images, videos, and interactive maps enriches the visitor experience. Detailed event descriptions and the option to add event and exhibit tickets are added during the checkout process for hassle-free purchase. Ticket options cater to diverse group sizes and preferences. Additional features such as information on peak visiting times helps to assist with planning. Payment options are varied and secure. Customer support features such as contact information and an FAQ section further enhance the user experience. The website's professional design and user-friendly interface helps for an immersive experience at The Marvel Zoo.


Mid-Fidelity Wireframes

User Research

Interview Structure and Participants

The interviews aimed to gather insights on the usability, design, and overall user experience of a high-fidelity prototype for the Marvel Zoo website. Prior to each interview, consent was sent out to inform participants of their rights and expectations. All responses to the consent were sent via email. Each interview lasted approximately 30 minutes and involved a walkthrough of the site, followed by a structured Q&A session.

The two users were selected based on their varying levels of familiarity with zoos and Marvel-themed content.

Interview Participants

Participant 1

Age: 34

Location: Dover, PA

Occupation: Healthcare Administration

Zoo Experience: Frequent visitor with family, values family time

Marvel Experience: Got really into it over quarantine

Participant 2

Age: 45

Location: Lancaster, PA

Occupation: Clinical Supervisor

Zoo Experience: Emphasizes quality time and enriching experiences for her daughter

Marvel Experience: Watches with Daughter

Questions Breakdown

Introduction and Background: Understanding the participant's general experience with zoos and their typical behavior in purchasing tickets and finding out about events.

Prototype Walkthrough: Participants explored the site, looking at attractions, exhibits, events, and deciding on ticket purchases while vocalizing their thoughts and add on.

Navigation and Usability: Questions about the ease of navigation and locating information.

Overall Design, Aesthetics, and Content: Feedback on the visual appeal, layout, and thematic alignment of the site.

Feedback on Prototype: Suggestions for improvements and missing features.

User Experience Reflections: Participants shared their favorite and least favorite aspects of the site.

Additional Comments: Open-ended feedback on the overall experience

Interview Findings

Ease of Navigation

Both participants found the site generally easy to navigate but noted some confusion in returning to the homepage. A more prominent home button was suggested.

  • Participant 1 highlighted the effectiveness of the drop-down menus and the arrows for navigating exhibits.

  • Participant 2 appreciated the clear labeling of sections but mentioned the need for better navigation cues.

Information Accessibility

Participants were able to find information about attractions and exhibits easily. Both appreciated the detailed descriptions and engaging content.

  • Participant 1 noted a lack of information on exhibit times and park hours.

  • Participant 2 suggested the inclusion of an FAQ section for practical details like allowed items and food policies, which was added following the interview due to the simplicity of the addition.

Design and Thematic Alignment

Both participants agreed that the design was visually appealing and aligned well with the Marvel theme. The use of Marvel characters and themed visuals was well-received.

  • Participant 1 suggested including more character mascots.

  • Participant 2 recommended adding interactive elements like videos or virtual tours to enhance engagement.

Feedback on Ticket Purchase Process

The ticket purchase process was found to be straightforward and user-friendly. However, both participants mentioned that the pricing seemed high and they were confused. In general, both participants appreciated all add-ons.

  • Participant 2 recommended offering more payment options (e.g., PayPal) and promotional discounts for holidays. This was added post-interview due to the simplicity of the addition.

Usability Issues

The "Popular Times" feature was appreciated, but participants found it somewhat confusing to use. Clearer instructions or a hover-over hint were suggested.

  • Both participants noted the absence of a search bar, which would facilitate quicker navigation.

User Experience Highlights

  • Participant 1's favorite part was reading about the exhibits, especially the Pet Avengers Pavilion. He also found the ticket purchasing process simple.

  • Participant 2 enjoyed the attractions section the most, particularly the descriptions and visuals of the rides.

Areas for Improvement

Both participants emphasized the need for clearer navigation back to the homepage.

  • Inclusion of more practical information (e.g., exhibit times, FAQs) and additional payment options were common suggestions (which was added post-interviews).

  • Interactive elements like videos, virtual tours, and a search bar were recommended to enhance the user experience.

The feedback from these interviews provides valuable insights into the strengths and areas for improvement of the Marvel Zoo prototype. The primary areas to address include enhancing navigation, providing more detailed practical information, and integrating interactive elements. Incorporating these changes will improve user satisfaction and ensure a more seamless and engaging experience for future visitors. Moving forward, the team will prioritize these adjustments, with particular attention to recurring feedback points mentioned by both participants.

Detailed List of Potential Changes for Future Iterations

Homepage Navigation Improvement

  • Add a more prominent and clearly labeled home button.

  • Consider adding a "hover over" sign to indicate clickable areas for easier navigation.

Ticket Pricing and Payment Options

  • Review and possibly reduce ticket pricing to make it more affordable.

  • Add discounts on the homepage to entice users to explore the website further.

Information on Zoo Timings and Events

  • Provide clear information on any additional fees for special events on the events page.

  • Include a section or a pop-up with information about busy times.

  • Clearly display event dates and times, as well as any associated costs.

  • Ensure all attractions and exhibits have detailed and easy-to-find information.

User Experience Enhancements

  • Integrate a FAQ section addressing common questions about what can be brought into the zoo, park guidelines, and other visitor concerns.

  • Implement a fully functional search bar for quick navigation.

Content and Visual Improvements

  • Add mascots or character images along with movie screenshots to appeal to a broader audience.

  • Include more multimedia content such as videos, virtual tours, or interactive maps to enhance user engagement.

Interactive and Accessibility Features

  • Ensure the website is intuitive with clear guidance for new users through tips.

  • Consider adding interactive elements like virtual tours and multimedia content to enhance user engagement.

User Feedback Implementation

  • Conduct additional user testing to validate the changes and gather further insights.

The Prototype

Design Justification

Design Process & User Feedback:

During the development of the Marvel Zoo website prototype, we followed a comprehensive design process aimed at creating an immersive and user-friendly platform for visitors to explore Marvel-themed exhibits, attractions, and events. The process began with low-fidelity wireframes, progressing through mid-fidelity wireframes and ultimately culminating in high-fidelity wireframes and a clickable prototype.

Post-prototype, we gathered feedback from two users (see Appendix B and C). They highlighted key improvement areas: better navigation, detailed information provision, and interactive element integration. We plan to enhance navigation, offer more comprehensive info, and add features like FAQs and search bars for a better user experience.


User feedback provided valuable insights into our Marvel Zoo prototype. Clear and intuitive navigation emerged as a key priority, prompting us to enhance navigation elements for effective site exploration. Additionally, users highlighted the importance of detailed information on ticket pricing, event details, and zoo timings. By addressing these areas, we aim to boost user satisfaction and enable visitors to plan their Marvel Zoo experience with confidence. Moving forward, we'll continue prioritizing user feedback to ensure the website meets visitor expectations, aiming for an intuitive, informative, and enjoyable user experience.